My name is Holger Sennhenn-Reulen and on this personal website I post work-related content.
Since 2017, I am a statistician at the
Northwest German Forest Research Institute (NW-FVA), where I work with researchers from all five departments (Forest Growth, Forest Protection, Forest Genetic Resources, Environmental Control, and Forest Nature Conservation) on biostatistical questions related to current projects in applied forest research.
Further, I am an associated member of the
RTG 2300 (Enrichment of European beech forests with conifers).
Next to project work, I am interested in working on probabilistic statistical models that improve our view on applied (scientific) questions in forestry.
I have been fortunate to work with amazing researchers in the past.
I did my PhD on Structured Multistate Modeling from 2012 to 2015 at
Goettingen University, where I was advised by
Thomas Kneib.
Prior to my time at NW-FVA, I spent two years at
Leibniz Science Campus Primate Cognition. and the
Cognitive Ethology Lab of
Julia Fischer.
I graduated with a B.Sc. and M.Sc. in Statistics from
LMU Munich, in 2011, and 2009, respectively.
For more details, check my CV or write me an email (see links in the menu left).
Basic mathematical notation (2022)
Introduction to Quantile Regression (2023)
Introduction to R (2024)
Statistical Modeling and Advanced Regression Analyses (R Tutorials, 2024/2025)
See CV (link in menu).